"Well, it all started last Saturday, son. If you remember, it was a pleasant spring day and I was standing by my chair when a high university official came in and asked for a haircut. After quickly checking my chart I noted that this particular man had not been in several months, so I naturally started off with the recent presidential decision involving Formosa."
"A perfectly natural move," I commented.
Fooey, Ruby
"Exactly. I was going along quite smoothly, just beginning to shave around the ears, when this guy started to sit up in the chair. 'What is the matter?' I said to him. 'Why are you irritated?' So he says to me, 'Ruby, he says, 'I have listened to you comment on the national scene for a number of years now, and during that time I have drunk deeply of your wisdom. Your analysis of Mr. Truman's bad points was a delight to my ears. But things are different now, Ruby, much different. We no longer have a pianist in the White House. Your superior knowledge is now in question."
"A bitter blow."
"That it was, son, that it was."
"I brushed a lock of hair from the back of my nock and shifted uneasily. "Ruby," I said, "I may have missed something in what you said, but I still do not see what this has to do with your taking Monday off."
"I flew down to Augusta to play golf last weekend, son, and I failed to break 90. My days as a barber are limited."