
Marshal Picks Students for Inauguration

Thirteen Represent University Schools

Thirteen students from the University's nine schools have been invited to President Pusey's inauguration next Tuesday, Powell M. Cabot '18, University Marshal, announced yesterday.

As representatives of Harvard, the students will mingle with a select crowd of nearly 200. The other guests have been selected from the faculties of the various departments.

The students are: Paul D. Sheats '54, president of the Student Council; Mark W. Cannon, treasurer of the Graduate Student Council; William W. Abbott, Business School; Richard Rosenthal, Design School; J. Frank Schulman, Divinity School; Norman R. Dixon, School of Education; Andrew L. Kaufman, president of the Law Review; Lawrence C. Thum and Thomas F. O'Brien, Medical School; Robert W. Clubb, Dental School; Dalmas Nelson, School of Public Administration; and Dr. Trawisk H. Stubbs and Young B. Moon, School of Public Health.

Eight Marshala Picked

Cabot also announced the eight marshals who will assist him at the ceremonies.


They are: Wilbur J. Bender '27, D. D. Henry '41, John U. Monro '34, Judson T. Shaplin '42, F. Skiddy von Stade, Jr., Robert B. Watson '37, David W. Bailey '21, and Peter E. Pratt '40.

The inauguration will begin at 3:30 p.m. in the Faculty Room of University Hall.
