
A Sinister Plot

Cabbages and Kings

Pause. "They said," he tightened the belt on his bathrobe, "They said you were nice girls, but you distorted things. So we have our eyes open."

"You flatter us," we said. "Really that's awfully flattering."

"It might interest you to know," he said, "that the two boys who met your train had INSTRUCTIONS. In fact, right over here I have a written copy of the conversation you held on the way back in the car. And we have that little girl's notebook."

"What did you think about the exciting incident about the woolie cap?" we asked. "Those woolie caps are just darling."

He ignored us. "We were prepared to give you a Moscow Tour. Will you PLEASE stop batting your eyelashes? Are you sure you're not from the CRIMSON?"


"Don't Be Childish"

The rest of the day passed in the same manner. Finally arriving at the hotel, we were accompanied to the room by three armed guides. Once inside they showed no signs of leaving. "Do you suppose we're all spending the night together?" one of the NEWS girls said. "Planning to sleep here or next door?"

"We're staying up all night and watch for those guys from the CRIMSON," they said. "Are those boys coming up here this weekend?" "Don't be childish," we said, "They're down at Columbia. They have other things to do. Really."

They looked unbelieving. "Expect they'll send someone to foul up the presses again. They did that once. Sent a little boy in an old trenchcoat who claimed he was from some prep school. Only catch was, heh heh, one of our men know him. By God, I'n in no mood for such foolishness. If a CRIMSON editor shows up, by God, I'll bash his head in right against the presses."
