Pusey and Dean of the Faculty McGeorge Bundy have stated the College's position on the proposal as "Harvard agrees that it's something we want to go ahead on."
Of all the presidents contacted the only even slightly dissenting voice was that of Tufts acting president Nils Y. Wessels. Wessels however, praised the Monro proposal, stating that there "has been too much competition."
"We need good students and we should aid students, and there should be some agreement," he said.
"But scholarships should not be awarded totally on need," he added.
"I'm not so optimistic as some administrators, because I don't want too much regimentation.
"But a central clearing house would be good for assembling information.
"But I definitely do not want all the colleges to offer the same amount to a boy. Need should be important, but it should not be the only concern," he concluded.
Tufts is a member of both the College Boards and the New England College group.