Teacher (impatiently): Yes, and the soul?
Johnny: The soul is immortal and immaterial.
For the Monthly Santayana's main contribution was in the form of verse, most of it sonnets. In the main they were of a vaguely romantic nature, as epitomized by the following sonnet.
Love not as do the phantom-driven men whose dreams are of harlot's bought caress.
Or even of a maiden's tenderness
Whom they love only that she loves again;
For it is but thyself thou lovest then.
Or what thy heart would glory to possess;
But love thou nothing thou wouldst love the less
If henceforth ever hidden from they ken,
Love but the formless and eternal whole,
From whose effulgence one unheeded ray,
Breaks on a prism of dissolving clay
Into the flickering colors of the soul.
These flash and vanish; woo them not to stay.
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