
Bennington --- Every Girl for Herself

Individuality, Dependence Co-ordinate Life In Lonely Vermont Paradise of Theory

Admission: By S.A.T. (Aptitude) not Achievement Test.

Church attendance; not required.

Endowment: $100,000 ($4,000 income per year).

Enrollment: 307 (plus tow working for special degrees).

Faculty salaries: Top-$6,300 per year


Foreign Students: 6.

Male Students: 5.

Marriages: about 33 percent of those who leave do so to get married. During the first ten years of the college's history this figure was 17 percent.

Transfers from Bennington: from 5 to 10.

Transfers to Bennington: about 20.

Tuition: $2100 per year (single room), $2250 (double room).

Scholarship holders: about 1/3 of the college.

Bennington's administrators have always had a hard time with the finances of the school. The alumnae body is energetic but small, and tuition is high of necessity. Burkhardt, as he sits his desk in the Barn, is constantly haunted by the $80,000 deficit with which Bennington starts off every year.

The one phase of Bennington's progressive system which creates an uneasy twitch among the students is the lack of grades. To one steeped in the progressive line this is no discomfiture, but a girl who arrives from a conventional school tends to feel unsure of her progress, at least for the first year. Marks are kept by the administration for use only in cases of transfer.

As a half-substitute, half-improvement over the marking system students have weekly conferences with faculty advisers, with some five hours of preparation for each conference. Although the conferences stress tutorial, the subjects discussed range from dating to health and hygiene. AT these tutorials girls get an indication of how they are doing in the college. The only official indication comes when students present an appraisal of their college life for entrance into the senior division. A girl may try for senior division at any time during her first two years. There are frequent cases, however, of juniors who are still applying for senior division. If by the end of her fifth term a girl falls to make it, then she is out.
