
Informality, Activity Enliven Campus...

Guest speakers lecture to a packed assembly hall on questions of current, general, and community interest. The College has a chapter of the NAACP and the Students for Democratic Action; it has a Young Progressives of America and International Relations Club. Significant as it may be, an examination of the College's official handbook reveals no mention of a Young Republican group. Students publish a weekly newspaper, the Campus; a biannual literary magazine called Dimensions; and a Yearbook.

The Campus is one of the only women's college newspapers which is independent of faculty control.

Dance and Chorus

For those girls interested in dance, the Dance Group gives opportunity to work on productions for both the College and the community. Largest extra-curricular activity is the Chorus, which has broadcast with Koussevitsky and the Boston Symphony Orchestra at Carnegie Hall, and which has given concerts with Harvard, Yale, Princeton, Williams and Brown.

Though friendly informality, casualness, and a relaxed atmosphere prevail at Sarah Lawrence at all times, some students find themselves with nothing to do on weekends. Although some Saturdays and Sundays feature jazz concerts, films, athletic events, and house or all-college parties, a group of girls are trying to organize more activities for the weekends. Biggest social events of the year are the Freshman-Sophomore and Junior-Senior Proms, which attract invaders from all Eastern men's colleges.


Spirit at Sarah Lawrence, in the sense of "rah-rah Joe College," is willfully missing from the campus: as one girl put it, "there's little too little spirit." But the Sarah Lawrence student is interested and enthusiastic about her college and the life she leads there. There's spirit at Sarah Lawrence, all right, but it's not displayed with beanies and sorority songs.

And when you leave her at the Gate at 2 a.m. some Sunday morning, and head for home, "... turn left on Kimball Avenue, go straight, turn right on entrance to Cross Country Parkway, continue about a mile..."
