Fine Library
Sikes concludes: "We have a feeling that we help a good many men, and the most seniors appreciate the service of bureau such as this. Certainly they a present in the office in great number throughout the year."
The only difference between the Harvard and the Princeton office lies in the bigger facilities of the Weld Hall office. Most impressive of all is its information library. Clark claims this has not on the biggest collection of data on individual companies in the country, but also the "most comprehensive literature on jobs "in departments of our government this side of Washington.
This library is where students do most of the real work in their job-hunting program. Having chosen their general field, they may hunt through hundred of individual folders searching for the "one and only" company.
When they have found it, they may feel they want some inside information on the organization. They may then go to consult any one of 300 special alumni advisers, scattered all over the country and representing nearly all business and professional occupations.
Students get help in making their choices from the series of career conferences sponsored by the office each year. Next spring, for example, prominent speakers will come to talk on jobs in government, journalism and writing, foreign nations, public relations and advertising, and many other fields.
Nobody so far has seriously questioned that most students here need the help the office can give them. As the placement office report for 1946-7 says: "Our early comment on seniors just graduating was that they were often ignorant even of the language of business, and had little useful knowledge of the ways and means of making a living. Consequently the problem of getting a job seems to most of them a complex and difficult one."
Clark, though, has good news for those who work conscientiously through his programs: "The man who really applies himself," he says, "will get to know so much about his field, and about the company he wants to work for, that when the time comes for the interview, he will be an accomplished self-salesman.