"There is no other place to sit quietly in the afternoon," said Sidney Foster '54.
"People use this opportunity to study together." Jane Scriber '55 added.
One 'Cliffe housemother. Mrs, Allan S. Locker of Briggs. could not understand way the Faculty had changed afternoon rules. "Before lunch. I can see why girls in a man's dormitory would be far from welcome: But in the afternoon, most people are up and around and clothed." she said.
However. Radcliffe was unanimous in its approval of later evening permissions.
Yardlings are not included in the partial rule revision. The hours when they can entertain women guests will remain the 1 to 7 p. m.
Yardlings polled yesterday were unanimous in asking the new House rules be exclude die the Yard. "I'd give up the week's permission just to have till 11 p.m. on Saturdays," said David S. Robin '56.
Proctors were less dogmatic, but most agreed with Gray's Dominique H. Want 5 he said. "Personally I don't see any reason why there should be any difference have between freshman and upperclass men.