
Design --- A School Without Direction

Needs Leadership and Funds To Regain Spirit, Stability

On the other hand, the planners feel the architects have never made themselves clear. The planners don't know what the architects really want.

Gropius wrote to Conant explaining that there are two types of planners administrative and physical. The administrative are doctors, lawyers and economics. The physical are architects engineers and landscape architects.

"It should be obvious," Gropius wrote "that the School of Design should concentrate on the training of the first category rather than to include the other disciplines as auxiliaries only. Our present department of planning lacks clarity of the final aim, trying to tackle in many disciplines at once and losing therefore the depth of vocational Education.

Merge Planning

Gropius would combine planning with are more physical landscape architecture without separating theory and present but some disagrees. The pure theory is needed, as long as it is handled corrects.


"The best architects are planners, if says, positing to men like Rolferd Gropius wants to educate to whole distress and feels the school has lost sight of this aim.

Last spring, President Conant commissioned Helfard and John M. Gaus Professor of Government, to study for possibility of moving Planning to Littauer in order save money. Both told Caraut the idea was poor, that planned would lose its great significance to study texture and be completely as allowed in the Public Administration progress. The6JOSEPH HUDNUT came to weak, relatively unknown Design School in 1933. The school's present prestige is largely due to his programs and the faculty he secured. Only during the past few years did the personal feud with Gropius assume such large proportions.
