
Davidson--Stress Conformity, Academic Rigor

College Demands All Participate In ROTC, Athletics, Daily Chapel

Other nearby women's colleges frequented by Davidson men are Sullins, Converse, and the Women's College of the University of North Carolina. But dates for the big weekends are generally imported from the North--mostly from the whole string of colleges and junior colleges in Virginia.

Red-letter day on any Davidson man's social calendar is the Homecoming football game, which this year was last Saturday's game with Furman. College officials proclaim the day a holiday; each fraternity strips off the air of conformity and puts on a papier-mache veneer of garlands and streamers in an attempt to out-decorate the other ten houses. Consisting of a formal dance on Friday and informal dances on Saturday, these weekends usually feature name bands.

Rigid Honor System

All activities at Davidson, social, academic, and athletic, are presided over by a strong Student Government operating with the aid of a rigid honor system.

The fact that the honor system really "works" can be seen by even the casual visitor. Books are left in the halls and under the campus trees in full confidence that they will be there when the owner returns. The word "pledged" on an examination paper is the student's bond that he has neither given nor received aid; as such it is accepted without question. The professor's empty chair and the complete absence of proctors during examinations pay tribute to a tradition of honor which is respected and upheld by all.


Full responsibility for the enforcement of the Honor System has been taken by the Student Council. Any student whom the Council finds guilty of lying, cheating, stealing, or drinking--all considered "honor offenses"--promptly finds that his connections have been severed.

An indication of the relative amount of power held by the Davidson Council is that not once in the history of the college has the faculty reversed a council decision.

Freshmen Wear Beanies

A council of upper-classmen also controls the indoctrination of freshmen. Although all violent hazing was long ago curtailed by school authorities, some mild vestiges still remain. All freshmen are required to wear beanies until the spring term, when the freshman class is formally recognized and beanies are consumed in a bon-fire.

Upperclassmen are still entitled to a certain amount of respect from the freshmen, and violations are reported to a so-called "Court of Control," solemnly presided over by black-robed seniors. It is not uncommon to see a beanie-topped freshman pacing the campus carrying a large sign proclaiming that he "shall not walk on the grass and shall not be disrespectful to upperclassmen."

Athletics Required

Four year participation in athletics is compulsory at Davidson. Every student must take three hours of physical training each week.

Entering students are required to take a proficiency test in physical ability. Those passing the test are allowed to elect any activity offered in the large athletics program, while those who fail are assigned to special exercise classes. Organized sports range from table tennis to wrestling, and expert coaching is available to all students. A recent trend has been towards increased emphasis on golf, tennis, and other sports considered useful after college.

Keynote of this "athletics for all" system is an intramural program as highly developed as Harvard's interhouse competitions. Teams represent the fraternities, the Campus Club, and the Independents.

In intercollegiate competition, Davidson is a member of the Southern Conference, composed of such teams as Washington and Lee, North Carolina State, the Citadel, Furman, and others. Davidson is by far the smallest school in this conference, and has never fared really well in football, although Davidson's teams in other sports have many times led the league.
