Add cube of ice and slice of orange, and fill with club soda.
Slim but gentle is the order of the day in the city. A smooth jacket, buttoned short of the waist, and giving a pleasant high-waisted look. Wool complimented with sealskin and just plain tweed are busy above and underground--the murmur of the city is the murmur of slenderness and simplicity. Coats are short.
Down to earth for him, in blue, brown, or grey. A plain tie fits every occasion, and the accent is on smartness with a bold dash of devil-may-care. Garters are in stock again--mufflers, gloves and canes are informally ornamental.
Take a long time with Long Tom.
For the Square, for the Yale game, for frostbitten fingers it's a Harvard.
Juice 1/2 Lemon
1 tsp. sugar
8 oz. Applejack
Shake with cracked ice and strain.
Fill with seltzer.
Make every belt a cinch this year, make sweaters the norm for easy acceptance. Corduroy skirts look like wool in Brattle Sq., as well as anywhere else, and "six-footers" keep your collegiate as well as keep you warm. Hug yourself in a man's raincoat with the collar up and the belt tight--socks in white for a welcome surprise.
Stop and think things over, and change. Take up a pipe and drop the stuffy greys and reps. For a shocker give the soft shirt a chance--pants and tie match. Keep the coat and shoes conventional, but spice them with a carnation in the buttonhole and striped laces. No more crew cuts, no more sneakers.
Harvard is brittle but powerful. Treat it with respect.