
Fulbright Grants Will Send 71 University Students, Alumni to Year's Study Abroad

George H. Mabry, commercial law, College of Economics, Rotterdam, the Netherlands.

Andrew G. Whiteside, modern European history and the Austrian Empire, University of Vienna, Austria.

Anthony A. Giarraputo, Italian literature and culture, University of Florence, Italy.

Richard W. Lyman, modern English history, The London School of Economics, England.

Oscar A. Ornati, labor economics, University of Florence, Italy.


Peter G. Swing, music, University of Utrecht, the Netherlands.

Donald S. Marshall, anthropology, Auckland University College, Auckland, New Zealand.

John E. Rexine, Greek literature, American School of Classical Studies, Athens, Greece.

John L. Phelan, history, University of Bordeaux and University of Paris, France.

Franklin C. Southworth, linguistics, University of Liege, Belgium.
