
12 Yard Dorms House '55

Hollis and Stoughton (both four floors)--South entry, rooms 1 to 16; North, 17 to 32.

Holworthy (four floors)--West entry, 1 to 8; middle, 9 to 16; East, 17 to 24.

Matthews (five floors)--North entry, 1 to 30; South, 31 to 60.

Thayer (middle entry five floors, other two entries four floors)--middle entry, 1 to 20; South, 21 to 44; North, 45 to 68.

Weld (five floors)--South entry, 12 to 27; North, 33 to 55. The first two floors of Weld South are offices, as is the first floor of Weld North.


Maids are a luxury that the College still offers in spite of rising costs. The Cambridge women who come in to clean have been known even to darn the socks of a student, but others merely straighten out the beds each morning. Student porters will fill in for the maids in a few places this year.This is one of the College's seven upperclassmen Houses (LOWELL) which are located on or near the Charles River. After spending their first year together in the Yard, freshmen will apply in April for one of the seven. Each House provides living quarters, its own dining hall, library, and common rooms, and each House has its own dances, lectures, plays, and parties. The Houses and the commuters, as a group, also compete in intra-mural athletics and at the end of the fall season face their opposite number at Yale. The Houses all have their masters--senior professors whose homes are a part of the hall; in addition young instructors and professors live as tutors throughout the House. The whole system is an attempt to combine small-college friendship with a large college and its distinguished faculty.
