Women, according to Pugh's results, seem to have a definite affect on the quantity a man will drink. Among those in the four consumption levels, only the occasional drinkers abstain while on dates. Social drinkers do drink on dates Light-heavy and heavy drinkers always do.
Those who date one girl steadily tend to be in the social drinking class. Of the 22 in that class, ten are engaged or date one girl.
Pressure to Drink
Hardly any of the 67--men ever drink alone. Clubs, says Pugh, have a definite effect on consumption; "a social club not only encourages drinkers and drinking because it is a social club, but also exerts a more formalized pressure to drink, by sponsoring at least 40 (rough estimate) official drinking functions a year."
Drinking can definitely be correlated with marks and amount of time spent on study, if Pugh's results are correct. The social, light-heavy, and heavy drinkers usually take a nip after an exam. Unfortunately, Pugh did not ask how many drank before exams.
Those who drink more, claims Pugh, tend to study less and get lower marks, although the drinking may not be the reason. It is surprising that 1/2 of the men in group one, whom Pugh questioned, are in the heavy drinker's level. No other academic group drinks very heavily except five.
Heavier drinkers spend more time on extra-curricular activities, but claim they have more free time than do the lighter drinkers.
Those who drink more also come from wealthier families, and tend to be prop school graduates. Fewer of them have scholarships, take part-time jobs, or work for honors in their academic fields. Pugh says that "It might tentatively be suggested as a hypothesis that lower class students, who are by definition trying to be socially mobile upward through the education channel, must be more interested in the formal curricular and so do not have the time or the money to drink as much or so often."
Fields of Concentration
Fields of concentration betray little difference in number of alcoholic students. Pugh reveals that the heavier drinkers are more in Arts, Letters, and Philosophy departments. Social drinkers are mainly In the Social Studies, History and Literature. All kinds of drinkers go into the Natural Sciences.
The draft does have some effect on consumption levels. Pugh found that the heaviest drinkers were those classified 1-A, 1-D men are apparently less tense than any of the others. None of them is in the heavy drinker's level.
Pugh summarizes his findings in the following manner. "This data indicates that drinking is organized: that most people do drink but that this drinking is taboo or limited to certain times and places: cocktail parties, and, in college particularly cocktail parties following football games and in celebration of the end of an athletic training season and on dates. However, most Americans seem to drink, and college students seem to drink even more than their parents, and the rest of society."