Princeton vs. Harvard, in the Stadium, at 1:30 p.m. The Tiger comes to town with "Kaz" to start Big Three proceedings.
Open vs. Closed, Monday in the Stadium, at 2 p.m. It doesn't cost a thing to see the House football all-stars in their first annual game.
Macbeth receives a modern touch in the Brattle Hall production with William Devlin in the title role and Ruth Ford as his lady. At 8:30 p.m.
Nina survives Gloria Swanson's over-acting to offer an evening of French fun. David Niven and Alan Webb are around, too. The Shubert at 8:30 p.m.
Point of No Return demonstrates that a good novel can be made into a good play. John Marquand collaborates with Paul Osborn and the result, with Henry Fonda, is worthwhile. The Colonial at 8:30 p.m.
An American in Paris makes a colorful, tuneful evening at the Loew's State and Orpheum. Gene Kelly dances into his own.
Lavender Hill Mob proves that Guinness is good for you. The incomparable Alec organizes a gold-robbery mob and the chuckles follow. At the Exeter.
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