
Five Adams House Students Lead Newly Elected Senior Sixteen List

The Phi Beta Kappa Chapter last night announced the selection of the Senior Sixteen for the Class of 1955.

Adams House placed five men in the group, while Dunster, Eliot, Kirkland, Lowell, and Winthrop each had two. Dudley placed the final man.

They are: Jacob E. Berger '55 of Dudley and Brookline, Mass. (Biochemistry); Michael J. Cambern '55 of Winthrop and Wichita, Kansas (Romance Languages); Joseph Cooper '55 of Dunster and Akron, Ohio (Government); Peter Duus '55 of Winthrop and Wilmington, Delaware (History); Charles J. Epstein '55 of Adams and Philadelphia (Chemistry).

Roger D. Masters '55 of Adams and Newton, Mass. (Government); John F. Merrifeld '55 of Kirkland and Wilmette, Illinois (Social Relations); James Peale '55 of Eliot and Lebanon, New Jersey (Economics); Clayton E. Ray '55 of Lowell and Indianapolis, Indiana (Geology); Peter B. Schneider '55 of Kirkland and Brooklyn, New York (Chemistry).

John D. Schubert '55 of Dunster and Harrisonburg, Virginia. (Romance Languages); Jonathan Steinberg '55 of Eliot and New York City (Economics); Bennett Simon '55 of Adams and Brooklyn (Classics); Thomas A. Troyer '55 of Adams and Omaha, Nebraska (English); Robert B. Wheaton '55 of Lowell (History); and Thomas A. Woodard '55 of Adams and South Nashville, Tennessee (Philosophy).


Under the Phi Beta Kappa election system, the Senior Sixteen is appointed by the Junior Eight. The combination of the Eight and the Sixteen will then elect a Junior Eight from 1956 and this group will appoint the final 70 to 80 members from the senior class in the spring term.

This year both Louis Hartz '40, associate professor of Government, and Delmar Leighton '19, Dean of Students, were present during part of the voting at the Union.
