
Two Men Receive Classics Awards

Joseph B. Dallett '51 of Wayne, Pa. and Elliot House has won the John Osborne Sargent Prize and Geoffrey B. Riddehough IG of Vancouver, British Columbia has won the Bowdoin Prize in Classics.

The names were announced early this week at a meeting of the Faculty of Arts and Sciences. Dallett's metrical translation of an ode of Horace was the best of 16 submitted. He will receive a $200 award.

Prize Essay

Riddehough was the only graduate who submitted an original dissertation in Latin. He was awarded the $200 prize for an essay entitled "De Medeae in Iasonem Odio."

Two undergraduates submitted entries for the two Bowdoin prizes for translations of Greek and Latin passages, but neither was judged worthy of a prize.
