
Cunningham's Story on Matthiessen Attacked; Terms of Will Announced

Finley, Howe, DeVoto Write Rebuttals to April 3 Article

DeVoto Complains

DeVoto's letter in yesterday's Herald found the political implications in the Cunningham article "disturbing" and "scurrilous." Stating his point in a series of questions, he asked, "Does Mr. Cunningham believe that the freedoms so guaranteed (in the Constitution) should be restricted or abridged? If so, to which citizens should they be restricted and how much should they be abridged?"

Howe's letter in the Herald called Cunningham's article "obscene gloating over a deep personal tragedy."

Academic Freedom

Another of the nine letters printed yesterday was from Charles W Bailey, 2nd, '50 of Eliot House, who stated, "I believe that one of the basic tenets of academic freedom is that a University is no more obliged to support a man's personal opinions than it is expected to attempt to censor them. . . . Apparently Mr. Cunningham fails to understand that two or more men in the group may have different opinions."


John Crider, Editorial Chairman of the Herald, estimated that so far about 40 letters have been received on the topic of Cunningham's article. Of these, about three-fourths have attacked the Column
