

Sunday, 3:52 Out of New Haven

They came in alone, in pairs, and in groups of three.

"Are you girls going to New London?"


"Well, there are plenty of seats up front."

"So tell me, how was Freddy?"


"Well, you know Freddy. It was raining so damn hard and everybody was going to watch the game on TV, but well, you know Freddy."

"How was the game?"

"Dartmouth won."

"Ohhh? I was looking for you when the train reached the New Haven station."

"Well, we just made it. You should have seen Freddy on the way to the station. He had one of my nylons hanging from the aerial."

"That Freddy, he must be something. A real Yalie."

"Yeah, and I'm missing an earring too. Wow, what a weekend!"

"I could have had a date, but something got fouled up. Greta and I went to New York. We were up till three Saturday night just talking."

"Freddy wanted to meet you."

"It's too bad you were so late. What happened?"

"He wanted me to meet some of his friends."



"See many girls from school?"

"Sarah was polluted."

Really, I didn't think she . . ."

"She does."

"Just shows. You really never know a girl back at school."

"Gee, the food at those dining halls is really awful."

"What did you have?"

"Something with gravy, it was hard to see."

"How come you didn't go out to eat?"

"He thought it would be more fun."

"Where are you going next weekend?"

"He wants me to come back."



A girl passed in front of them.

"She's from Cincinnati."

"Heavy, isn't she?"

"Mast have been visiting relatives."

"What a party it was."

"Which was?"

"The one after the game, over in Freddy's college. We told everybody that we were engaged."

"Are you?"

"Of course not. It was a gag."


"Had scotch for breakfast today, warm."

"Gee. Was the game exciting?"

"It was raining."

"There's Betty. Hi, Betty! How was the weekend?"

"He was tired."


