
Trent-Lyon Gets Insanity Verdict

NEW HAVEN, Conn., Nov. 9--Theodore A. Treat-Lyon, former Divinity School student indicted on a first-degree murder charge in the killing of a Yale psychiatrist, was found insane yesterday by three court-appointed psychiatrists.

The unanimous opinion stated that Trent-Lyon suffered from "a severe degree of schizophrenia." The sanity commission added, however, that the accused murderer is "capable of understanding the nature of the proceedings against him."

Under Connecticut law, should a finding of insanity be made at the November 16 hearing, the court may order the 27-year-old Trent-Lyon committed to a state institution until he has recovered enough to stand trial.

Trent-Lyon was indicted in the fatal shooting of Dr. Lewis Thorne at New Haven October 8.
