

Power of the Ballot

Q. How about television sets?

This repartee kept up for a while longer, until . . .

Q. One final question.

Q. Oh, it doesn't have to be the last.

Q. Yes. Why doesn't the Coop carry classical records?


Some rather heated debate arose on this matter, and Mr. Cole asked for a show of hands on how many students were interested in phonograph records. Although the negative was never put, Mr. Cole announced that "quite a few" favored the measure, and the matter was summarily dropped.

As it turned out, this was the end of the day's balloting. Almost everyone decided to leave at 5:56, before Mr. Cole had a chance to answer the question: "Does the Coop have shoe repair department?" There wasn't even a motion to adjourn, and the meeting may conceivably still be in progress.
