
Golf Team Begins Inter-Collegiates

The golf team will weekend in Now Haven today and tomorrow, playing Yale, Princeton, and Columbia in the two-day Eastern Intercollegiates. The host two teams in the round-robin matches will go to Atlantic City later this month to play the winners of the Southern Intercollegiates.

Harvard has a good chance to be one of those two squads. Yale has a strong team this year, but the varsity ought to beat both the Tigers and the Lions.

The Crimson plays Princeton this afternoon, Yale-tomorrow morning, and Columbia tomorrow afternoon. By special arrangement, the Yale match will consist of nine men in nine games.

The Harvard lineup: Bill Rickenbacker, Dick O'Keeffe, Bob Matson, Herb Mee, Hugh Nawn, Jack Denton, and Sam Seager. Dave Gorman and Crawford Hubbell will also play against Yale.
