
Bowdoin Tennis Team Due For Pounding from Varsity

Coach Barnaby's tennis team expects little opposition from Bowdoin this afternoon on the Soldiers Field courts.

The Crimson, tinged green in the lower echelons, is trailing a five win, three loss, and one tie record behind it at mid-season. Two of the three losses were thumping 9 to 0 debacles from the racquets of the powerful University of North Carolina. Cornell smeared the other blemish on the Crimson record, also 9 to 0.

But these defeats were philosophically foreseen and taken in stride. Barnaby started the season with only two veterans, Captain Ted Bullard and Bud Ager, both of whom are loading this year's team at two and one positions respectively and are now the top doubles combination.

Greenhorns Rounding to Shape

Charlie Ames and Hilliard Hughes play at three and four against Bowdoin today. They combine at the number two doubles position. At the singles five and six slots are Jack Frey and Jay Robb. Dave Key of ice fame joins Robb in the third doubles combination. In spite of a comparatively late starting season and the usually poor Hub tennis weather, these four have rounded into shape.


Bowdoin should pose little difficulty. If the Crimson can rack up a substantial lead in the singles, Barnaby expects to substitute lower-rung squad members in the late afternoon doubles for the sake of experience.
