
Lacrosse Team Opposes Williams Here Today

Uphill Fight Expected For Varsity in Year's Next to Last Contest

"It won't be a picnic."

Usually Win

Williams is not accustomed to losing to Harvard lacrosse teams. It handed the varsity its first New England League loss last year, 8 to 4, and it expects to win this year, according to Dick Merryman.

Merryman is the man who almost singlehandedly beat the varsity last year and the year before. Fortunately for the Crimson, he is no longer playing for Williams--now he coaches the Harvard freshman lacrosse team.

Big Threat


But even without Merryman, the Williams team is a big threat. It has one of the best defenses in New England and a good strong team up front.

Comparative scores, which mean a good deal more in lacrosse than most sports, give Williams an edge. The varsity squeaked by Springfield, 7 to 6, for instance, while Williams won, 8 to 1.

And there's something out of kilter with Munro's team. The Crimson has won four out of its five games in the North this year, but three out of these were foregone wins. "We could play three-times as well as we are playing now," says Munro.
