
Lions Host to Tennis Team

Columbia may own New York, but whether it will dominate its own tennis courts this afternoon is a meet point.

When Coach Jack Barnaby's tennis team attacks the Lion this afternoon in its own den, it will be dragging six intercollegiate victories, three losses, and one tie behind it. A good but not exceptional team by the record so far, the Crimson should come away with another win this afternoon.

Columbia bowed to the Crimson easily last year and, seldom a tennis power, has little additional strength to pose against the varsity this year.

The six replacements filling in holes left by last year's graduation have proved themselves in routine competition but have been defeated in the only Ivy League engagement so far.

Bud Ager and Captain Ted Bullard at the one and two singles positions will combine for the first Varsity doubles team. Charlie Ames and Hilliard Hughes at three and four singles and Jack Frey and Jay Robb at five and six are tentatively scheduled for the other two doubloa respectively.
