
Italian Club Will Present Comedy

The Italian Club will walk under the College theatrical spotlight for the second time since the war with the production of "La Famiglia Dell' Antiquario," by Carlo Goldoni, Wednesday, May 18 and Thursday, May 19 at Agassiz Theater.

Proceeds from the production will help Italian students come to this country to study.

The play, an eighteenth century comedy of manners, tells of the financial downfall of a count's family as a result of the count's interest in antiques. The demise of the family is temporarily staved off by the daughter's marriage to a wealthy merchant.

In the cast are Jean-Pierre Barricelli '45 2G, Aldo S. Bernardo 2G, Anthony A. Giarraputo '50, Herving Madruga '52, Charles Fleischauer, Salvatore P. Busalacchi '49, Mary Danaro, Radcliffe '48, and Catherine Iaconi.
