Once again the Government Department has attracted more freshmen than any other field. Of the 1296 men in '52, 192 have chosen to spend the next three years concentrating in this field.
The next most popular department according to the figures released by Sargent Kennedy '28, Registrar, is Economics, which has 138 prospective clients. This maintains the present ratio of 644 concentrators in Government to 630 in Economics.
Decline in Soc Rel
Social Relations is the only major field that has slipped in attendance appreciably. Of last year's freshmen there were 138 concentrators to only 117 this year.
At the opposite extreme in this list of figures there are no freshmen who want to concentrate in Semitic Languages and History, nor are there any budding Latin majors.
There are 23 members of the Freshman Class who have turned in blank concentration slips and 26 who have not turned in anything. Fifty upperclassmen had no plan as of last November, when the last tabulation was taken.
The difference between the two fields, Chemistry and Physics, and Physics and Chemistry seems to be sufficiently great to attract eight freshmen to the former and only one to the latter. According to Kennedy, the difference lies only in emphasis.
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