
'52 Tennis Team Will Meet Exeter

According to Corey Wynn, the coach of the freshmen tennis team, the match against Exeter this afternoon will be the hardest one his charges have faced so far. The yardling squad this season has defeated Milton Academy, the Boston University freshmen, and Deerfield Academy.

The Crimson freshmen are shaping up very well, Wynn claims, and all they really need is enough sunny days to get in lots of practice time. So far this week it looks-like Wynn has had his wish.

Exeter is traditionally strong, having won the Eastern Interscholastic Tennis Tournament last year. It will be hard to beat.

The lineup for the match this afternoon will be Don Blackner, Gerry Murphy, Dave Aldrich, Charlie Thompson, Jack Faircloth, and John Loeb, playing in singles. The doubles teams will be Murphy and Chase, Peterson, Thompson and Wooster Wood, and Roger Swanson and Peter Bien.
