High jump--Tie for first between Harrigan (H) and Bulleit (RIS); tie for third among Benesh (RIS), Sherman (RIS) and Best (H). Height--5 ft., 10 in.
Discus--Won by Tootell (H); 2, Rowe (RIS); 3, Reed (H). Distance--143 ft., 5 3/4 in.
Pole vault--Won by Sherman (RIS); 2, Lawrence (H); 3, Lockett (H). Height--13 ft.
Broad jump--Won by Benesh (RIS); 2, Sherman (RIS); 3, Stallman (RIS). Distance--22 ft., 8 1/2 in.
Javelin--Won by Keith (H); 2, Onoyan (RIS); 3, Holbrook (H). Distance--167 ft., 5 in.
16-pound shot--Won by Tootell (H); 2, Trimble (H); 3, Kanter (H). Distance--50 ft.