
Exams and Bruises Limit Varsity Eleven's Workout

Hour exams and Princeton game bumps took their toll at varsity football practice yesterday, as Coach Art Valpey restricted his first two offensive units to limbering-up exercises and sent those who hadn't played offense Saturday through a brief scrimmage.

The bulk of yesterday's practice time was spent looking at movies of the Princeton game and of the first half of last year's Brown game. Valpey commented later that the movies of Saturday's contest showed the Crimson played very well until it ran out of depth mid-way through the third period.

The extent of the injuries received in Saturday's game is not yet fully known. Chuck Walsh is definitely out for the rest of the season with a broken leg, which will leave Dike Hyde kicking the extra points; but it is not yet determined just how badly hurt Chief Bender and Don Cass are, and they may see action against Brown.

Elmer Madar, who scouted Brown Saturday with Henry Lamar, reports that the Bruins are considerably improved over last year. Though the graduation of Ed Finn has weakened them in the passing department, Brown has a much smoother running attack and has added many plays to its winged-T repertoire.

The Bruins generally use a two-platoon system, but on occasion, when hard pressed, they send some men both ways.


Brown hasn't beaten Harvard in the Stadium since 1926, and Madar reports that the Bruins are out to break the "Stadium Jinx."
