The pageauation for "314" as drawn up by Feeney and the beard was an a skeleton pageanation to the two books nounced last night. And expanded House Section, treating the activities within each House individually, is the vehicle for recording and evaluating the College year for Sophomores, Juniors and Seniors. Also, an enlarged section dealing with undergraduate activities and organizations is designed to include everyone participating in the College's extra-curricular life.
Freshman activities, their athletics, smokers, dances organizations, and opinions will ride in a special Yard section. Considering the Register, which will be published before the old Register was due by two months, and the Yard section of "314," appearing before finals, Feeney hopes to give the Freshmen more coverage, earlier, plus acquainting them with the upper-classes under the new yearbook set up.
The staff will be competitive. Candidates will compete for from six to ten weeks and on the successful completion of their candidacy will be members of Harvard Yearbook Publications, responsible for "314" and for the Register. The executive competition for administrative posts on the publications will be open to members of Yearbook Publications. All elections are by the board.
Four Separate Departments
The competitions will be split four ways, into feature, art, photography, and business, and the executive competitions will be run along similar lines, according to Feeney. Freshman members of the board, excepting business board men, would probably work primarily on the Freshman section out of choice, but there is no strict limitation of Board members' activities in the organization.
Presently, the Executive of Harvard Publications are: George J. Feeney '50, Editor in Chief; Edward Tipton Kenyon '50, Managing Editor; Donald M. Landis '50, Business Manager; R. Johnson Shortlidge '50, Register Editor and Sports Editor; Edward B. Ayres '50, Activities and Organizations Editor; Thomas Holmquist '50, Biographies Editor; Andrew S. Kaufman '51, Assistant Business Manager; Geoffrey Groff-Smith '50, Photographic Manager; and David P. Lighthill '50, Feature Editor.