Hoover Reply
Hoover replied that the wire had been referred to "the proper officer." These two answers one from Stoffel, the other from Hoover are all Washington University has been able to get from the federal authorities.
Meanwhile, Shortliffe's plans for the coming year have been disrupted. Expecting to cross the border with no difficulty, he said his Kingsten house and now has no place to live. His former position at Queens has been filled by another professor, although it is understood that he can return next year.
Washington University has been able to get another professor at the last minute, but department head Pleckmann says, "The delay put the department into a most difficult situation."
Shortliffe's teaching abilities have been praised by many faculty members at Washington University.
Chancellor Compton attested to this in his recent statement:
"The inability of the university to secure the services of Professor Glen Shortliffe of Queens University is extremely unfortunate. In the judgment of his colleague in the field of Romance languages, Professor Shortliffe is an excellent teacher, a promising scholar and a man of the finest qualifications of citizenship and character.
"This judgment has been confirmed by a thorough investigation on the part of our department of Romance Languages and our college of liberal arts."
The Chancellor then spoke of the action that has kept Shortliffe out of this country:
The delay which over a period of five months has prevented the university from getting a decision on Mr. Shortliffe's entry means exclusion became of negligence or because of evidence that is kept secret.
"Our faculty has been deprived of a man of superior professional qualification and it would appear that our country has been prevented from receiving a family of unusually valuable citizens."