
Off The Cuff

34. And that's what Communism wants to plant over here?

Exactly the same thing.

36. What do they want, anyhow?

Power; Communists all have a craze for power.

71. Do these books (Communist-influenced text books) teach lies about this country too?


Yes. For example, some give students the idea that our country is hopelessly ridden with economic ills.

72. Isn't there something to it

There are many ways to answer that, but one ought to be enough. Which n action, in World War II, sent arms and food all over the world to failing Allies and then followed up with armies, navies, and air forces to Europe, Asia, Africa, to outposts in North and South America, and on islands across the seven seas--yet, at home, kept up the highest standard of living the world has ever known? The United States system, as it has been and still is, needs make no apologies to nay other.

73. What's biting these textbook writers, then? Communism. Whoever is touched with Communism loses his sense of truth as we know it.

96. Do many of our teachers play the Communist game?

The files of our Committee, running back over a ten-year period, show that the Communists have always found the teaching group the easiest touch of all the professional classes for actual Party zealots and fellow travelers.

97. What attracts so many learned men and women to such a murderous and destructive cause? sometimes it is frustration. Sometimes it is greed or love of power. Sometimes it is misplaced idealism. But ask them. See if they can give you a good reason for having faith in Communism or any of its works.

98. Are people doing anything about all this?

In some places.

For instance, Ohio State University faculty members are now required to sign the equivalent of non-Communist affidavits. them too, in New Jersey, California, Michigan, and Washington State, among others, local authorities have begun investigation of Communist infiltration of schools.
