Sixty incoming members of the Class of 1952 have won National, Buckley, Cambridge, and Harvard Prize Scholarships, F. Skiddy von Stade '38, director of the Committee on Scholarships, announced last week.
National Scholarships are awarded to men of "exceptional ability and promise" who have distinguished themselves as leaders in extra-curricular as well as in scholastic activities. Set up in 1934, these awards also aim at giving a more national character to the student body.
Buckley Scholarships are awarded to graduates of Latin, High, and other public non-sectarian schools in Cambridge; while Cambridge Scholarships go to aid "deserving young men from Cambridge schools at large."
Harvard Prize Scholarships are awarded to men selected from a group nominated by the headmasters of New England private schools which in any of the two past five years have sent five or more men to Harvard.
National Scholarships
Elmon L. Coe, Phoenix. Neil J. Smelser, Phoenix.
Frederick E. Wells, Jacksonville.
William G. Bush, Sacramento. Allen N. Croft, Stockton. William S. Parks, Los Angeles. William J. Willis, Holtville.
Rudolph C. Doenges, Colorado Springs.
Charles J. Christenson, Chicago. Robert H. Cole, Chicago. Richard A. Gotshalk, Urbana. Nathaniel D. Greenberg, Highland Park. Thomas K. Hunt, Park Ridge. Donald M. McKee, Wilmette.
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