
Tycoon Club Call For Philip Morris Is New Televiser

Ten hustlers from Harvard's own school for hustlers--the Business School across the Charles--chipped in 300 Philip Morris wrappers apiece last week to take top honors in the cigarette company's football prediction contest and snared an Admiral television set for the Tycoon Club.

Editors of the CRIMSON had thought themselves winners in contributing 300 entries to the contest that week. They were not successful in copping top television honors, but Philip Morris adjudged the Crimeds runners-up and gave them second prize of an Admiral radio-phonograph console, capable of playing the new 45-minute records. Philip Morris representative Jacques Paulen expressed "extreme satisfaction" with contest results.

Third prize of a standard radio-phonograph went to the Spee Club. Spee-men finished up the eight-week Philip Morris grind with a final spurt of 200 wrappers with game predictions to capture their $180 award.
