"Radcliffe has abandoned the Charles to Harvard and M. I. T.," moaned Lucy Conant, captain of the 'Cliffe crew, this week, after all attempts to raise funds for a revival of the oarswomen had failed.
The muscular lovelies, winners of an amazing upset victory over an informal Crimson crew two years ago, had hoped to revice the rivalry this spring; but College authorities damped their aspirations several weeks ago with news that the treasury would not stand the strain.
Undaunted, the crew members laid immediate plans for a variety show this spring and for an alumnae aid appeal, both intended to raise the necessary money. These ideas were vetoed by Dean Sherman on grounds of impracticality and bad timing; for it was felt that the revue would be unable to raise enough, and any appeal to alumnae would conflict with Radcliffe's already, scheduled fund drive for the spring.
Down but Not Out
Rebuffed by official quarters, the gals went to their public. Posters were put up in Agassiz Hall, and petitions signed which asked permission from Radcliffe authorities for the maintenance of the crew out of student subscriptions. The plan proposed a one-dollar gift from each of a hundred-odd crew adherents, thus assuring enough money to rent a shell from Weld Boat House, and leaving only repairs and "general maintenance" up to the college exchequer.
Once again the plans got snarled in red tape. Apparently unable to carry even these expenses, Dean Sherman, after consultation with President Jordon, wrote to Captain Conant, "regretting the steps that had to be taken," but reaffirming that "for financial reasons the college could not at this time undertake to continue crew."
Thus, with every avenue apparently closed, extinction of the champion crew seems certain. Reassuring word for any disappointed Crimson oarsmen, however, has drifted down from Northampton, where a boatload of inexperienced but definitely eager beauties has been training all fall, and is apparently ready and willing to take a crack at the Charles Challenge Cup.
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