"Labor's Aims in Regard to U. S. Economy" will be the subject of a talk by Albert G. Clifton, Boston C.I.O. Legislative Agent, to the Society for the Preservation of Free Enterprise at 7:15 o'clock tonight in the second floor common room of the Union.
Anthony B. Neidecker '50, president of the Society, pointed out that the objective of the group is education, and emphasized audience participation in the meetings. Tonight's meeting will try to reach conclusions on where labor and business aims conflict and agree.
This will be the third meeting to be sponsored by the Free Enterprise group in which a speaker from the world of business, industry, or labor has discussed the facets of the free enterprise system. The first was on February 4, when the Society, under the direction of Roger Starke, instructor in the Business School, tried to define free enterprise. The second featured Alden C. Brett of the Hood Rubber Company, who outlined what free enterprise meant to the business man.
Clifton will be the first speaker in the series to discuss free enterprise from labor's point of view.
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