
Strike Discussion Opens Law School Forum Series on Industrial Relations

Two noted labor authorities will inaugurate a series of talks on industrial relations tonight when the Law School Forum, begins its Spring schedule of panel discussions at 7:45 o'clock in Sanders Theater.

Leo Wolman, professor of labor relations at Columbia University, and Clinton S. Golden, counsellor of the CIO United Steelworkers, will analyze the basic causes of industrial strikes, which have recently swept the country, in a discussion of "The Causes of Industrial Strikes." Elton Mayo, professor of Industrial Research, will serve as moderator.

Tonight's meeting will consider the political, economic, and psychological motivations of industrial disputes. It will include an analysis of what industries are especially subject to strikes, and why.

More Labor Discussions Planned

In future weeks, the Forum will continue with its, treatment of industrial relations with the topics "Labor and the Law" and "How Can We Mitigate Industrial Strikes."


Both of tonight's speakers have been active in labor relations for several decades. Besides his experience in the trade union movement. Golden has served on numerous government agencies including the National Labor Relations Board, the War Manpower Commission, as well as various independent and state organizations. Author of several articles, and co-author of a book on industrial democracy, he is on the advisory committee of the Trade Union Fellows here.

In addition to service with the NLRB, Wolman has been a member of the National Bureau of Economic Research and the American Association on Labor Legislation. He is author of several books.
