

Demerits Code Included In Rules Expected Today

One of the final steps in the organization of the Navy V-12 Unit here, the publication of Regulations, will be taken late this afternoon or tomorrow morning, it was announced yesterday at the Unit's headquarters.

A system of demerits is being established for the officer candidates, in addition to the regular punishments meted out for the various prescribed offenses. Men will be allowed different numbers of demerits per term, depending upon their academic status.

Sources of Rules

In addition to these regulations, V-12ers will be expected to observe rules governing the Navy which may be found in the Articles for the Government of the Navy, the U. S. Navy Regulations, General Orders, as well as Regulations for students in Harvard College 1943-44, unless these are superseded by Navy orders.

Punishments will be meted out by the Commanding Officer for violations of any of these rules, and since members of the Unit are all apprentice seamen on active duty status, disciplinary action may include separation from the College Training Program.


The announcement of the new regulations stresses the fact that since the V-12 men are considered potential officers, they must justify their favored status by good academic work as well as military behavior.
