
80 Army Men Arrive Today

220 to Supplement AST Here in Week

Instead of arriving yesterday as was previously released, the 790 new men expected by the Army Specialized Training School will not begin checking in until sometime today and even then will only be represented by 80 of their number, it was announced, by Regimental Headquarters. These men will be supplemented by 220 trainees in the latter part of this week and the beginning of next week.

Coming to Harvard from a STAR unit at the University of New Hampshire in Durham, this first contingent will take preliminary quarters in Mather Hall of Leverett House. The whole detachment of 790 was expected to arrive yesterday and today, but now the remaining 570 newcomers are slated for appearance in Cambridge any time between now and September 13.

First Engineering Group

The courses of study will be divided between Engineering and the Advanced Phase of Foreign Area and Language. Army students for the Graduate School of Engineering have been awaited ever since the first group of trainees came in last June. They will probably split up into an advanced section and a basic section, with the latter leaning towards communications and the former specializing in civil.

Winthrop House, which has been empty since the close of College for summer vacation a the end of last May, will probably remain empty until the arrival of the remainder of the new men. At that time, a sufficient force will move in to completely fill the House and thus take the last available living space now owned by the University.
