
Crimson Five Hopes to Ambush Dartmouth's Champion Indians

Slight Chance Given Cagers at Hanover

Harvard's collar-dwelling cagers, mired in the depths of the Ivy League, attempt the hardest possible way of getting out of that lowly niche tonight when they invade the White Mountains area for a contest with the League's defending champions, Dartmouth.

The Green quintet, which won its sixth successive crown last winter and went to the finals of the national inter-collegiate tournament, is studded with veterans, and no amount of hot stove speculation can point to anything but a Dartmouth victory.

Myere, Munroe, and Olson

Three of Ossie Cowles' cagers are real hot shots, any of whom is capable of 20 points an evening. This veteran trio includes forwards Bill Myers, a lad who tallied 22 markers against Columbia Monday evening. George Munroe, a classy ball handler with a fine eye, and rangy center Jim Olsen, widely heralded as the best pivot man in the loop.

Dartmouth's guards, Captain Stan Skang and Jim Briggs, do less scoring than their teammates, but they are potent characters in the backcourt. Where Dartmouth asserts its superiority over anything the Ivy League has to offer is in its style of play. No pussyfoot, stand-and-set, cut-once-a-week Eastern court tactics for these babies; they run all night, cut like deer, and throw one-handed shots from behind their ears in the best Big Ten tradition. It pays off.


Samo Crimson Starters

For the Crimson, which hasn't seen action since the drubbing absorbed from Penn at the Palestra just before examination period, Coach Earl Brown plans to start the same quintet. This will mean Dean Hennessey, who leads his teammates in individual League scoring with 18 points, at one forward, and George Dillon, whose hook shots ought to find the range some night soon, at the other. Bunks Burditt will see what he can do about shackling the formidable Olsen at center, at the same time trying to break out of his recent slump, a falling off which has proven costly.

Veteran Hugh Hyde, miles off in his shooting of late, hopes to get back in stride tonight. He'll be at one guard, with Freshman Mike Fansler, perhaps the best set shot artist on the squad, hoping to ring a few deuces from the other guard.

Remember Last Year?

Last winter an equally meek Crimson five met an equally high rated Indian quintet and the Brownmen took a Han-over scaip to the tune of a 49 to 36 beating. But that game was played on the floor of the Indoor Athletic Building, not in the lair of the Green aborigine. And a team playing on its home court is conceded a ten point edge in all the best wagering circles. When the Brownmen journeyed to Hanover last winter, after that sensational upset, the results were disastrous. Ten unbelieving Crimson cagers limped home, beaten 58 to 36.

Although League rules allow a team to take ten players on a trip, Brown has been dissatisfied with practice attendance of late, and only nine of his hoopsters will board the train.

Princeton's Tigers helped shatter the Dartmouth myth last Saturday night, upsetting the Hanoverites 44 to 39 at Tigertown. But the quintet which represents Old Nassau this winter is no mean shakes on the hardwod floor, as Crimson fans will learn to their sorrow ere long. And the Indians tomahawked an in-and-out Columbia Lion 66 to 44 Monday evening, which shows they are out for blood--and the color is Crimson. IVY LEAGUE BASKETBALL STANDING OF THE TEAMS   W  L  Pct. Pennsylvania  2  0  1.000 Princeton  1  0  1.000 Cornell  2  1  .657 Dartmouth  2  1  .667 Columbia  1  1  .500 Harvard  0  2  .000 Yale  0  3  .000



Harvard at Dartmouth
