
Julian Huxley Speaks On Evolution Tonight

Latest developments of the theory of evolution will be discussed by Julian Huxley, distinguished British scientist and social philosopher, tonight at eight o'clock in the New Lecture Hall.

Entitled "Evolution Up to Date," his lecture will be sponsored by the members of the Harvard and M.I.T. chapters of Sigma Xi.

Huxley, who is widely known in this country os a speaker and is generally regarded as one of England's most influential writers and social thinkers, was entertained last night at dinner by the American Defense, Harvard Group.

Besides his scientific research, Huxley has written and lectured widely. His books, which have had a large influence upon liberal thinking throughout the civilized world, include "Evolution Up to Date," "Democracy Marches," and many others.

Co-author with A. C. Haddon of "We Europeans: A Survey of Racial Problems," which appeared during the spring of 1939, Huxley is credited with having finally and completely exploded in a thoroughly scientific manner Hitler's theories of racism and the superiority of the Nordics.
