
Lange's Geography 10 Now Taught by Brooks

Despite the internment of Karl O. H. Lange, research meteorologist at Blue Hills Observatory, his former course, Geography 10h; Aeronautical Meteorology, will continue under the direction of Charles F. Brooks '12, professor of Meteorology and director of the Observatory, it was revealed last night.

Lange, who has been in the custody of the F.B.I. as an enemy alien since 1:30 o'clock in the morning of December 8, formerly taught Geography 10b and 20f, a research course in areology which will not be continued.

In the 11 years since he came over from Germany, Lange has won fame as inventor of the "weather balloon," a device which transmits meteorological information by means of a small radio. A native of Woisbaden and a graduate of the University of Darmstadt, Lange had taught here for five years.
