
Six Crimson Shot-Putters To Participate in YMCA Meet

Solo Harvard representatives, six Crimson shot-putters will participate in the Y.M.C.A. track meet at the Boston "Y" tomorrow night. The meet gets under way at 7:30 o'clock.

Dick Pfister, standout gridiron guard and top shot putter for Jaakko Mikkola's track squad, leads the Crimson competitors. Others entered include Johnny Shattuck '43, Jack Bonner '43, Cliff Howard '44, Pete Garland '45, and Alex Wheeler '45.

In the two informal meets against Tufts this year, Mikkola's disciples have had little trouble with the shot put event. Pfister copped first place in the December 14 affair after only one day of practice, and Bonner won the event in the second meet against the Jumbos on January 9, with Howard taking third place.
