

1941-42 Board Takes Over, Activities Begin Shortly

In a special ski bulletin to its members, the Outing Club this week announced that it had joined the United States Eastern Amateur Ski Association and that members of the club and others interested may obtain individual memberships through the club.

In conjunction with the U.S.E.A.S.A. and the Ski Club, the Outing Club will conduct at least one Third Class Proficiency Test for undergraduate skiers this winter.

Along with announcement, a five page dope sheet giving information on places to ski, where to stay, and necessary equipment was given all club members who had indicated their interest in skiing. Many pamphlets and maps of New Hampshire and Vermont were also distributed.

New Board Takes Over

At the same time, the 1940-41 executive board turned over its duties to the new board which will begin its activities at the end of the exam period. Howie Oedel '43 will head the new board consisting of Bill Wolfe '43, Dick Moore '44, and Gleen Saxon '44, which will supplant Steve Winship Occ, Bob Black '42, Jim Rothschild, and Peter Grey '44.


On the weekend of January 31 the club plans to hold its annual midyear frolic with the Radcliffe Outing Club in the Tamworth Region. After the hayride on Saturday there will be aspecial Harvard Square dance in Huckin's Barn.

Later on the club plans call for a visit to the Skidmore Winter Carnival and various International Outing Club activities. There are also several tentative dates for ski weekends with Smith and Vassar after the examination period.

Attention of skiers was again called to the National Ski Patrol's plea for support from the skiing public. On the Safety Patrol will begin an advanced Tuesday after mid-years, the Harvard First-Aid course for skiers. Meetings will be on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and will be held outside on skis whenever possible.
