

To the Editor of the Crimson:

In your several articles on the "Town Hall Meeting of Youth," sponsored by the American Youth Congress for this coming weekend, you have conveyed implicitly, and probably unintentionally, that the Harvard Liberal Union was in sympathy with the Youth Congress. We would like to point out that the programs of the two organizations conflict in many respects. The American Youth Congress opposes American aid to England; it has opposed at every step the national defense program; at present it is opposing the House Resolution 1776, and is advocating the repeal of conscription. The Harvard Liberal Union favors aid to England and to China, the building of a strong national defense, and above all it emphasizes the need of carrying out these measures in a democratic fashion.

In addition to these programmatic differences, there is a fundamental difference of approach to these pressing problems. The American Youth Congress has adopted the characteristically oversimplified interpretation of events presented by the "leftist" youth movement today. Carried to its logical extreme it finds its expression in such things as the following songs which will be sung quite seriously by some of the delegates to the Washington Conference:

"Oh, the workers goes in rags

While the rich man boasts and brags"


"Oh, they're sinking dough in guns

While the people live in slums" Their ingenuous naivete finds its expression in pious hopes of better times,

"When conscription gets repeal

And the Youth Act becomes real," but the Youth Congress has isolated itself more effectively both from public opinion and from possible support of some of their suggestions by their all-or-nothing attitude.

Since the American Youth Congress is so much in disagreement with the Liberal Union, why then does the Liberal Union send delegates to Washington? The answer to this is simple, when one remembers that the Liberal Union has a program which it is endeavoring to put forward to American youth. The Washington meeting affords to the Liberal Union an opportunity to express itself to other young people, some of whom at least are aware of the futility of the program advocated by the Youth Congress. In short, if we send our members to speak for us in Washington, it is not to support the Youth Congress' program, but rather to put our own before other youth. Edward Ames '42,   President, Harvard Liberal Union,   William Hodson, Jr. '42.   Vice-President.
