
Phillips Brooks House to Benefit From Proceeds Of Cotillion to be Held on February 3rd

Undergraduates Will Elect "Queen" And Attendants for Post-Exam Ball

In an effort to make the January Examination blues and bluebooks a thing of the past, a group of six Sophomores is organizing the first of what they hope will be an annual series of Boston Cotillions. Proceeds from the affair will be donated to Phillips Brooks House.

The first cotillion is scheduled to be held from 10 until 3 o'clock on Monday, February 3 in the Louis XIV Ballroom of the Hotel Somerset. Providing music for the ball will be Vaughn Monroe and his nationally known orchestra and Harry Marshard, who will care for the Viennese Waltzing.

An added attraction of the dance will be the crowning of the Queen of the Cotillion and her four ladies in waiting, who will be elected by the undergraduate body holding tickets to the dance in the week proceding it. For this purpose there will be a voting booth placed outside the Hasty Pudding Institute of 1770 Club at 12 Holyoke Street.

The Sophomores behind the cotillion are Benjamin C. Bradica George S. Clav. Peter Dunham, Justin J. Haley, F. Barteu Harvey, and H. W. Ford King.

Listed as ushers are Robert L. Fowler III '41, Thomas Gardiner '42, Sherman Gray '41, Lewis Harder '41, Loron MacKinney '42, William Parsons, Jr. '42, James Ronsmantere '40, Emmet Whitlock '41, and J. Prentice Willetts '41.
