

To the Editor of the Crimson:

If the Crimson must quote the article by Frank Waldrop, resulting from a conversation with Harvard undergraduates "not one of whom is a Red, a Nazi, or a Republican," why not quote correctly?

I had occasion to read Waldrop's article while home in Washington, and find the Crimson's analysis of his discussion most faulty and misleading. It is true that Waldrop states that Professor Fay has "backed water" in his attitude toward this present war as against the first World War, but I fail to find anywhere in the article a statement that Professor Fay is "insincere in supporting an interventionist stand today."

Professor Fay may well have changed his mind, influenced not so much by "intellectual terrorism," whatever that may be, as by an honest conviction that this time "it is different." And there are many of us in the same boat. But it seems to me that any imputation of insincerity does an injustice both to Fay and Waldrop. William P. Bernton '41.
