

James Savage scholarship to Carl D. Sheppard Jr. 1G, of Akron, Ohio.

Michael J. Norris 1G, of Minneapolis, George William Sawin fellowship to Minn.

Phillip H. Sears scholarship to Jesse De Boer 1G, of Grand Rapids, Mich.

Shattuck scholarships to Panl F. Bosco 2G, of Detroit, Mich.; Thomas E. Caywood, of Lake Park, Iowa; Robert H. Lieyellyn 1G, of Hatboro, Pa; Franklin B. Newman 1G, of Westchester, Pa.; and Roy E. Wiggin 1G, of Peabody, Mass. and Roy E. Wiggin 1G, of Peabody, Mass.

Thayer followships to Duncan J. McDonald, of Dalhousie St., Que., Canada; Paul M. Marcus, of Brooklyn, N. Y.; and Arthur L. Selikowitz 2G, of Brooklyn, N. Y.


Thayer scholarships to Reginald H. Haskins, of North Bay, Out., Canada; Richard W. B. Lewis, of Philadelphia, Pa.; Ross F. Lockridge, Jr., of Bloomington, Ind.; and Charles H. Vivian, of Elizabeth, N. J.

Gorham Thomas scholarship to Thomas C. Daly, of Toronto, Ont., Canada.

Townsend scholarships to Edward M. Davis Jr., of Shirley, Mass.; and Milton T. Heald, of Woburn, Mass.

John Tyndall scholarship to Henry Hurwitz Jr. 2G, of New York, N. Y.

Wales scholarship to John C. Pelzel 2G, of Philadelphia, Pa.

James Walker fellowship to Paul C. Hoover 1G, of Millersville, Pa.

Christopher M. Weld scholarship to Kenneth C. Clark, of Austin, Tex.

Whiting fellowships to Francis G. Blake Jr. 1G, of New Haven, Conn.; Ralph S. Hendeson 1G, of Assiut, Egypt; John A. Sauer 1G, of Elizabeth, N. J.; are Alan M. Therndike, of Montrose, N. Y.

Willard scholarship to Frederic E. Pamp, of Evanston, III.

Jay Backus Woodworth felowships to James D. Weir 1G, of Saskatoon, Sask., Canada; and Gratian M. Yatesevitch, of Cornish, N. Y.

James H. Woods fellowships to George D. W. Berry 2G, of Cambridge, Mass.

Jeffries Wyman scholarship to James M. Sprague, of Kansas City, Mo.
